WADE and TACO Antenna
Goal: To support aggressive growth plans, WADE and TACO Antenna required efficient and optimized sales tools, structure to grow the team upon and plan to win business. In addition, they wanted the team to have access to relevant sales training, coaching and mentoring for their business.
Approach: SalesEvolve was hired to conduct a Sales Health Check to determine what WADE and TACO Antenna is doing well, where assistance was needed, how to better support the team from the perspective of other departments. A sales optimization plan including an itemized list to achieve plan was also desired.
Result: “The Sales Healthcheck feedback was a very useful process. It allowed the management team to gain constructive insight in our business to clearly see the gaps in our sales team, sales processes, and identify areas of waste. The report enabled us to settle upon a plan to improve our company and have clear expectations for growth.
We now realize what we need to focus on if we want to continue to succeed in the marketplace. It was very useful to have a fresh pair of eyes to look into our business and to have SalesEvolve’s expertise to identify a few areas in need of improvement. I was impressed with the level of detail and how well SalesEvolve identified the company’s current situation.”
Following the Sales Health Check, SalesEvolve aided the company with building a sales playbook, coaching and mentoring the sales team on strategic opportunities, providing sales training, implementing new tools such as CRM, and sourcing skilled staff.
“Salesevolve’s training sessions have played a huge role in helping our sales team strengthen the pipeline with well qualified opportunities. Whether it is sales training or deployment of a new CRM, Salesevolve has been there for us every step of the way.”
The Sales Healthcheck feedback was a very useful process. It allowed the management team to gain constructive insight in our business to clearly see the gaps in our sales team, sales processes, and identify areas of waste. The report enabled us to settle upon a plan to improve our company and have clear expectations for growth.
We now realize what we need to focus on if we want to continue to succeed in the marketplace. It was very useful to have a fresh pair of eyes to look into our business and to have SalesEvolve’s expertise to identify a few areas in need of improvement. I was impressed with the level of detail and how well SalesEvolve identified the company’s current situation.
Ryan Murphy
CEO – Wade and TACO Antenna