B2B Lead generation – how to generate leads

B2B Lead Generation

As a Sales and Marketing company, we understand how important it is to generate new leads for business. One quick search online will provide thousands of articles giving tips and hints. From using Social Media more effectively to optimizing SEO and PPC, there is more advice then ever.

But what about Sales People who desire practical sale advice they can apply now, without becoming conversant in the discipline of marketing and tactical skills?

Here are 3 tips to generate new sales leads that you can start doing today!

1. Practice your public speaking skills and offer your skills at Industry Events, Conferences and Trade Shows:

Nothing will get you noticed faster at an event then being the one on stage! B2B Lead Generation is alive and well when you are speaking at a public event. Giving a presentation at an event that is relevant to your industry gives you instant credibility and places you in a league about the rest of the attendees.

When you share your knowledge and give your expertise, you show potential clients that you care and that you can be trusted. That is when B2B Lead Generation is at it’s best, when you have the opportunity to share your solution to an audience that wants to hear. Be sure to follow up with those attendees with a call or customized e mail. The people you met when you speak can be invaluable connections and potential clients.

2. Customer Referrals:

This is the most gratifying of B2B lead generation. There is nothing like the feeling of getting a sale through the referral of a happy customer. It shows that you provided value for the previous sale and that you will do the same for the existing potential client. Not only does it show your business can be trusted to deliver what it has promised, but a lead that comes from a referral is often well-qualified.  It will make your job easier and continue the circle of value and positive experiences. Don’t be afraid to ask satisfied customers for referrals and opportunities to extend that same value to others.

3. Face-to-Face Networking:

It is undeniable that Social Media and the Internet has become the new norm for networking. It is often the benchmark for B2B Lead Generation and the preferred method to drum up new leads. But what about face to face communication? No matter how wide spread the internet and social media becomes, there will always be a need for networking in person.

There is no other mechanism that can give you instant feedback, whether spoken or unspoken, on a sales pitch or first introduction. There will always be a place for the handshake and the warm feelings that come from a smile, a laugh or an instant connection with a prospect. And often these face to face interactions are the most meaningful ways to find B2B lead generation. As sales professionals we want to leverage technology where we can, and continue to peruse the face to face connection as a means to generate sales leads.

At SalesEvolve, we still believe in the art of the cold call, the firm hand shake at a networking event and the hustle that comes from working hard at sales. Our solutions for B2B lead generation, lead nurturing, lead management and sales outsourcing are always customized to fit your needs and business.

No two business are alike, and no two sales needs are exactly the same. Whether you are looking for someone to manage the entire sales pipeline, or someone to help with B2B Lead Generation, we find a solution that provides real value and opportunity for revenue. We will never prescribe you to a pre-set program, rather we will take the time to get to know you, your company and your unique challenges. Let’s connect and see if we can work together to bring more business and revenue to your company. It is always worth a conversation.

B2B Lead Generation

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