
Tips for staying productive & connected when working from home during COVID-19

Working from home during COVID-19? As you have now discovered, working from home comes with a few challenges. We have put together a guide with some practical ideas on how the SalesEvolve team have been staying productive and staying connected, including:

  1. Establish Short Term and Long Terms Goals
  2. Set Up Your Home Office
  3. Have the Right Gear
  4. Maintain Your Regular Routine
  5. Set Home-Work Boundaries
  6. Stay in Touch with Your Co-Workers
  7. Grab Your Opportunities
  8. Focus on the World After it Starts Up Again

Download the complete guide here.

Even though the global market has been impacted by this recent crisis, companies will still have to do business and that means they will still need your services. Maybe they look different than they did a few weeks ago, but all businesses will continue to need support to survive and thrive.

If you are struggling with how you can reinvent your business or unsure about how to approach people in this new market—SalesEvolve can help. We are experts at helping companies identify new areas of opportunity and we take pride in providing solutions that are always customized to fit our client’s unique goals and specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

This guide was produced in collaboration with Le Tour de Spice. Are you looking for unique ways to stay connected and show employees you care? Check out for care packages that can be delivered directly to the homes of employees and team members.

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